Paddle Board Yoga: The Benefits and Best Practices

Paddle board yoga, also known as SUP yoga (Stand-Up Paddleboard yoga), is a unique and exciting way to practice yoga that combines the tranquility of yoga with the exhilaration of being on the water.

Woman practicing yoga on the paddle board in the morning - Let's go paddle

Benefits of Paddle Board Yoga

1. Increased Focus and Balance: 

Practicing yoga on a paddle board requires focus and balance, as the board can shift and move with the water. This can help improve overall balance and concentration, which can carry over into other areas of life. 

2. Improved Core Strength: 

The unstable surface of the paddle board requires the engagement of the core muscles to maintain balance, which can lead to improved core strength and stability. 

3. Connection with Nature: 

Paddle board yoga allows practitioners to connect with nature in a unique way. The sound of the water, the feel of the sun and breeze, and the beauty of the surrounding environment can all enhance the yoga experience. 

4. Increased Challenge: 

Paddle board yoga can add a new level of challenge to the practice of yoga. Practitioners must focus on balancing while maintaining proper form and alignment, which can deepen the mind-body connection. 

Best Practices for Paddle Board Yoga

1. Choose a Calm, Flat Body of Water: 

When starting out, it’s important to choose a calm, flat body of water without any currents or waves. This will make it easier to maintain balance and focus on the yoga practice. 

2. Wear Appropriate Clothing: 

It’s important to wear comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing that allows for freedom of movement. Avoid cotton, which can become heavy and uncomfortable when wet. 

3. Use a Secure Anchor: 

Anchoring the paddle board can provide stability and prevent drifting. Make sure to use a secure anchor that won’t damage the environment or cause any safety hazards. 

4. Adjust the Yoga Practice: 

Paddle board yoga may require some adjustments to the traditional yoga practice. For example, poses may need to be modified to maintain balance on the paddle board. It’s important to listen to the body and adjust as needed. 

5. Take a Class or Work with an Instructor: 

Taking a class or working with an instructor can provide guidance and support for getting started with paddle board yoga. An instructor can help with proper alignment and modifications, as well as provide a safe and supportive environment for practice. 

Paddle board yoga is a fun and challenging way to practice yoga that provides numerous physical and mental benefits. By following some best practices and taking the time to get comfortable on the paddle board, practitioners can deepen their yoga practice and connect with nature in a unique way.