How to get back up on your paddle board

How to get back up on your paddle board - Let's go paddle

Paddle boarding is a great way to get some exercise, enjoy the water, and take in the beauty of nature. But what happens if you fall off your board? It can be scary and disorienting, but fear not! Here are some tips on how to get back up on your paddle board:

1. Stay Calm

The first thing to do is to stay calm. Falling off your paddle board is a normal part of the learning process, and it happens to even the most experienced paddlers. Panic will only make things worse, so take a deep breath and stay focused.

2. Get Your Board

Swim over to your board and grab hold of it. If you have a leash, it should still be attached to your ankle, so you won’t have to swim too far to retrieve it. If you don’t have a leash, don’t worry – just swim over to your board as quickly as you can.

3. Position Your Body

Once you have hold of your board, position your body so that you are facing the board with your hands on the sides. The board should be parallel to your body, and you should be positioned towards the center of the board.

4. Kicking and Pulling Yourself Onto the Board

Start kicking your legs and pulling yourself up onto the board. Use your core and arm strength to help lift yourself up. Try to get your chest over the center of the board, and then slide your knees up onto the board.

5. Get Back on Your Feet

Once your knees are on the board, slowly stand up. Use your paddle to help stabilize yourself if needed. Take a moment to regain your balance and adjust your stance if necessary.

6. Keep Practicing

It’s important to remember that falling off your board is a normal part of paddle boarding, especially when you’re first starting out. The more you practice getting back up on your board, the easier it will become.

Falling off your paddle board doesn’t have to be a scary experience. Stay calm, retrieve your board, and use your core and arm strength to pull yourself back onto the board. Remember to keep practicing and soon you’ll be able to get back on your board like a pro!